Monday, July 29, 2019

Hawaii: Part One

Exactly six years from my honeymoon in Hawaii, and four years from the beginning of the affair that ended my marriage, I boarded a plane to the islands I had very mixed memories about. You see, my honeymoon on Maui and the Big Island was beautiful and amazing, as were the two years of wedded bliss that followed; but the summer of 2014, the last stop on the tour where said affair took place was Hawaii. And while his mistress was not with him, the man I married was already a ghost of himself. He was angry, and mean. He was carrying a guilt so heavy he couldn’t handle it, and used gaslighting (read about our current President and you’ll understand) to cope, deflecting all his guilt to me. The three days he was in Hawaii were riddled with lies and fraud and outright deception to his wife, who at the time had no idea why he was behaving this way. So all those beautiful memories from two years before were replaced with a darkness associated with this place in my mind. So why go back there? My Dad turned 60 this year, and my Grandma has always wanted to take a Hawaiian Island cruise, and I didn’t want to miss this time with my family.
So when I boarded that plane to Oahu, it was with really mixed feelings. I spent the first half of the 12 hour flight wondering why I was flying so far for palm trees and sand when I live 45 minutes from the beach in Florida. However, I made friends with the man sitting next to me our conversation was a great distraction as we drank wine for a couple hours and got to know each other. Then, as we began our descent into Honolulu, I finally felt a twinge of excitement, probably in part because my new friend had never been and was over the moon about our arrival (thank you, Dimitri!). And when we stepped out of the airport, I felt it immediately- the energy of the islands, and I knew I had done the right thing by coming here alone for four days before my family arrived. I was here to learn and grow, and heal, and be. And that’s exactly what I did.
I started out researching yoga retreats, however, finding one that fit the exact dates I had off from work, AND somewhere affordable proved difficult. So I decided to create my own. I found Sunset Beach Yoga  in Honolulu, who offered classes right on the water in the morning and at sunset, and a mindfulness yoga hike through the jungle, and planned my trip around their schedule and location.
I stayed at the Modern Honolulu, which was two miles away. There was a bus line that would have taken me straight there, but I enjoyed the walk/jog along the beach and through the parks and counted that as part of my exercise for the day. After I checked in to my chic and modern room with a balcony overlooking the harbor of sailboats, I made a quick stop at the adults only tiki bar for a refreshing mint lemonade cocktail.

Then, my new friend and I headed to the Sheraton Waikiki beachfront bar for dinner and an incredible sunset.

The next day I was up early because of the jetlag, so I checked out their simple and clean fitness center where I ran four miles on the treadmill before walking to yoga. Class was held under a large banyon tree overlooking the water. There was a balmy breeze and view of the volcanic mountains on both sides of the ocean. It was a basic and well-instructed class- food for my soul!
After lunch at the pool, I resigned to a chaise lounge and proceeded to stare at the sky for most of the afternoon. I felt good being there alone, just me and the palm trees. I didn’t have an agenda, and the day was mine. I’m actually sitting on my couch in Florida writing this, because I didn’t want to do a lot of thinking. I was truly meditative- there in the moment, soaking in all that healing island energy through the osmosis of the tranquility. It was amazing.

 Yoga in the cinnamon tree forest XO

Hidden waterfall on the yoga hike... brrrrr!!!

That feeling was amplified the next day. I began with another basic yoga class, this time at my resort’s pool, followed by the Jungle Yoga Mindfulness hike with the owner of Sunset Beach Yoga- Karen. This was probably my favourite day of the entire trip. We hiked through the movie set of King Kong 2, through a cinnamon tree forest, and up to a waterfall. We learned about the flowers and berries and trees, inhaled them, touched them, took them in. We meditated and practiced yoga. And in the four hours we were out there, we only saw other people TWO times!
It was peaceful and beautiful and exactly what my soul needed. That night, after a dance party in my room with me, myself and a bottle of Moet, I met my friend for dinner at a fabulous sushi restaurant on the main shopping street Kalakaua Ave. It was the perfect end to my solo vacay.
The next day my family arrived. I ordered pizza from Harbor Pub (SO good- best on the island according to the locals!) and brought it to our new hotel. I instantly missed the Modern, as the rooms at the Aston were small, outdated and dingy. The only thing it had going for it was an incredible ocean view from the balcony and a convenient and lovely sand beach immediately across the street. 

I went to Sunset Beach Yoga that evening and it was breathtaking. I can’t put into words the feeling of practicing yoga with that kind of view. I breathed in the salt air, and breathed out the bad memories and emotional pain that accompanied them. I truly felt at peace with myself and my life for the first time in four years. I let go and committed to moving forward… to opening myself to love and possibilities. I accepted that this process will never truly be complete, that wounds this deep take a long time to heal and will always be marked by a scar. But every time the scar starts to ache again, now I just close my eyes and feel that breeze and see that sunset. And I remember to just breathe, and everything will be okay. Mahalo, Hawaii <3